Fundraising and the Enneagram

In order to lighten up the fundraising work so many many organizations feel, I thought I'd have some fun with the Enneagram and link it with the very real "inner war" we ALL experience in raising funds for the causes we love.

Type 1

Your reforming energy is contagious. Trust your instincts and be bold in asking others to join you in changing the world. You are not bad for asking.

Type 2

Use your helper’s heart to stay focused in fundraising, instead of spreading yourself too thin in other parts of the organization for fear of what people will think.

Type 3

Resist the urge to gain your value from the amount of $ you raise. A “no” is many times a slow “yes”. Remember fundraising is slow, methodological work.

Type 4

Your desire to stand out among the crowd of good causes will serve you well. Hone in on the key distinctive of your organization when asking.

Type 5

"Over preparation” and” ready… aim, aim” will not raise money. Go to the gut triad and risk asking.

Type 6

Donors will appreciate your realistic, no hype approach, but don’t be afraid to ask big. They may even add a “0” when they hear the intended impact of the gift.

Type 7

Everybody’s ask is nobody’s ask. Spend time getting to know individual people’s passions and grow them in the cause.

Type 8

If they feel respect in the fundraising appointment, 8’s are not bothered by a “no”.

Type 9

Hold yourself accountable to a set number of fundraising appointments/week. Donors will love your easy-going style so be ready to tell them what you need and how they can benefit from it.


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