Beth Bennett

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Image of God Reflection

“What comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us. It is impossible to keep our inward attitudes right, while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate.”
–A.W. Tozer


“A dysfunctional picture of God had expressed itself in a dysfunctional way of living.”
–Trevor Hudson 

If we have a dysfunctional image of who God is then we can’t fully receive his love and good thoughts toward us. Let’s examine our beliefs about God and how he feels about us and our desires.


Prayerfully ask God:

  1. Who is God to you right now?

  2. What am I believing today that is not true and does not express who You really are?

  3. How is my belief about you God impacting my feelings and deepest desires?

  4. What images or immediate responses come to mind when you hear or see the name God?

  5. What has shaped your view/image of God?

  6. What is the dominant image of God in your church tradition?